Influences on us

Workplace image

Influences on us impact on our productivity.” #bgdtcoaching.

It goes without saying we are all influenced by something or other. The influences on us we consider negative, might occupy a lot of our time and consume much energy.

Drawing up a list of these so-called negative influences we could find items such as poor lighting, badly laid-out workstations, limited access to support productivity in the immediate vicinity. And let’s not forget drab decoration.

Those influences on us deemed to be positive might be taken for granted and thought about rarely or not at all. How these influences on us impact on our productivity, on the other hand, becomes visible as we move through the workday.

Besides external factors influencing our output, however, we could also reflect on our internal capacity to focus on our efforts and give our best no matter where we are or what is going on around us. Our determination to fulfil our potential is, for example, something we might bring to the workplace each day.

Additionally, we can briefly mention people within our circle of contacts who inspire us and are important influences on us. They may be sitting across the desk from us or connected via the Internet. In either case, within a sharing and caring environment reciprocal respect and collaborative working practices can benefit all.

Influences on us then may be many. If you’d like to join the conversation here, please leave a comment below. In the meantime, thanks for reading this Influences on us post today.

Best wishes to you.


Skype: bgdtskype

Twitter: @bgdtcoaching





About Brian

Brian Groves DipM MCIM Chartered Marketer and CTI-trained co-active coach, supplies professional and personal development through coaching, coaching workshops, marketing development training and English language training.

As an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, Brian teaches a postgraduate course based on dramatic texts and elements of coaching to examine various work-related performance matters.


Coaching, performing and thinking at work (2013), Reflections on performance at work (2012), Elements of theatre at work (2010) and Training through drama for work (2009).

2 Responses to Influences on us

  1. Gede Prama says:

    Simple but meaningful friends, greetings compassion 🙂

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