Reflections from the past


Reflections from the past

Stepping back from rushing forward gives us the chance to examine one or two reflections from the past. Whether we feel particularly connected to our heritage or not is irrelevant to the issue here. We present ourselves today as an accumulation of experiences making up our history.

Reflections from the past may be found in the actions of today if looked for, in addition to the intention providing energy for their initial creation yesterday. On occasions our behaviour and attitudes are reflections from the past, results of how our life had been lived until then.

Looking at reflections from the past, in the form of achievements from yesterday, we can derive encouragement to go out and be our best for the sake of leaving a legacy of today tomorrow, if we so choose.

We might not be inspired to construct imposing buildings, for example, but in our own way we are able to leave a lasting influence somewhere, somewhere. Reflections from the past all begin in the heart of a person. Our efforts for the future reside likewise in the heart.

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Kindest regards.


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Twitter: @bgdtcoaching

About Brian

Brian Groves DipM MCIM Chartered Marketer and CTI-trained co-active coach, supplies professional and personal development through coaching, coaching workshops, marketing development training and English language training.

As an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, Brian teaches a postgraduate course based on dramatic texts and elements of coaching to examine various work-related performance matters.


Personal performance potential at work (2014), Coaching, performing and thinking at work (2013), Reflections on performance at work (2012), Elements of theatre at work (2010) and Training through drama for work (2009).

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