Big vision

Big vision from a plane window

Being curious, let me ask you what your big vision of life is right now. I appreciate it is a question requiring a moment of reflection as the answer implies a blueprint for the coming days, months or years.

Acknowledging the big vision held in the heart is perhaps the first step to bringing it into being. From a work perspective, the stage is as large or small as our imagination. The universality of work is such that we are no longer restricted to a single location to air our rehearsed performance.

Technology, coupled with a big vision mindset, truly gives us the opportunity to be present anywhere and everywhere we choose to be.

The digitalization of our creative output ensures it is stored, transferred and transmitted in any number of formats throughout the world, oftentimes without us realizing this is the case. Readership of blog posts, maybe even these, is not limited by distance or time zone differences.

Returning to the initial question, if you’d like to share your big vision, please feel free to leave a comment below.


Skype: bgdtskype

Twitter: @bgdtcoaching






About Brian

Brian Groves DipM MCIM Chartered Marketer, CTI-trained co-active coach and freelance trainer, supplies professional and personal development through coaching, coaching workshops, marketing development training and English language training.

As an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, Brian teaches a postgraduate course based on dramatic texts and elements of coaching to examine various work-related performance matters.


Performance skills at work (2015), Personal performance potential at work (2014), Coaching, performing and thinking at work (2013), Reflections on performance at work (2012), Elements of theatre at work (2010) and Training through drama for work (2009).


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