Stretching ahead

September 8, 2016

Beach huts stretching ahead


No matter where we are as we read this post, the view of what is before is probably stretching ahead of us. The view, however, may be somewhat limited due to natural or man-made obstructions. In any case we know it is all before us and that is what counts.

Stretching ahead into a moment of time beyond the now, we might appreciate how our best efforts to date have brought us to a position of well-being and fulfilment. If so, this vision will inspire us to undertake any or all the necessary actions needed to bring our current desired goals into being.

Making choices appropriate for us today for tomorrow is very much a matter of aligning decisions with heartfelt objectives capable of stretching ahead into an unknown future whilst motivating us along the path towards the destination.

Provided we enjoy the journey – if we are unable to do so, perhaps we need to reconsider the goal – the final result stretching ahead becomes almost of secondary importance. Such thinking should possibly, in any case, be assessed in terms of embracing our life purpose instead of instant gratification.

If you’d like to explore further issues related to your choices and heartfelt objectives in the form of a complimentary coaching session via Skype or Google+ hangout, please get in contact.

For now, rather than stretching ahead with other ideas here, it could be wise to bring this post to a close.

Thanks for connecting.


Skype: bgdtskype
Twitter: @bgdtcoaching

About Brian

Brian Groves DipM MCIM Chartered Marketer, CTI-trained co-active coach and freelance trainer, supplies professional and personal development through coaching, coaching workshops, marketing development training and English language training.

As an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, Brian teaches a postgraduate course based on dramatic texts and elements of coaching to examine various work-related performance matters.


Performance skills at work (2015), Personal performance potential at work (2014), Coaching, performing and thinking at work (2013), Reflections on performance at work (2012), Elements of theatre at work (2010) and Training through drama for work (2009).